December 17, 2006


Only bodies exist,
Only shrouds,
Can neither hear nor nod heads...


that gave bitrh.
And it fold...
never left.


No one has ever escaped...
The path's desolation...
When someone walks on...
Does it resurrect a hope that has broken?

December 16, 2006


All roads lead to...
but one destination?.

December 14, 2006

who need the road?

Sometime forward...
Sometime backwards...


A wave of anger
Blew away...
Just one remained,
Its name is hope
And it flickers on...

December 13, 2006


Even the sun, life-giver to all, ...must set...
It seemed as if the lamp, for centuries alight, ...would die...

December 11, 2006


The sun had to set
in very wilderness...
Where the tomb bears to mine
a strange likeness...

December 10, 2006


Its name is hope,
and it flickers on...


Life is the name given to a few moments,
In but one of those fleeting moments...

December 05, 2006

never surrender

an unnamed...
for starveless...

rhythm of life

be Lived to Be...

December 03, 2006

Prison Song

here's a song to sing...
for every man inside
that's high price for the poor...


yes justify...
only one hand for right...
only one hand for wrong...
But to many...

very Faraway

somewhere when just thinking...
then its very, very Far-away...
more Unlimited...
more unbounded...
and more infinite...


behind Mountains...
have the Mountains...


Separate, time... space...
Here means space...
now means time...

Never be the Same...

Somethings look like the Same...
but truth, never be the Same...


consciousness is simply pure...
without any ripple...
without any waves...
in that monent
one comes to know
what Paradise is...

old Way...

not to go Anywhere...
just have Simply to Silently and Be...

November 30, 2006

Blue Sky

Will go up to the sky...

Where the Blues behind...


There is no sound...
There are no instruments...
Just to live one's own life...

November 29, 2006

Deeds and Orisons

for the Unknown...
for the Unsung...
for the Unstoried...

What passed?

Without arrow nor sword...
Without hatred nor threat...
Will make an end to Trial...

same...same, but difference

There was nothing...
The beauty was there...
It was there to see...